Weekly Update 2021 03 06

  1. Projectile
    1. added spin for AE towers
  2. Art redone
    1. Move tiles
    2. Attack tiles
  3. Highlight
    1. handles distances greater than 3 now
    2. Added Highlight for Attack / range
  4. Play test to find bugs.  List of bugs fixed
    1. Could move to self, distance 0.
    2. Stagger indicator was stuck once applied.
    3. Phase Actions was stuck on Init 7
    4. Resources indicator tooltip was going behind scorebar
    5. Long names were clipping
    6. Attack or move selection indication was clearing, but still active.
    7. Units were displaying active while Demon's turn.
    8. Onager was going into large negative actions.
  5. Active units indication
    1. Active player units now gray out during Demon's turn.
    2. Active units now wiggle a bit.
    3. Setup animation now clears all others, damage, damage resist, etc.
  6. Resource Bar
    1. Added differential to Savings
    2. Altered significant digits for interest over 10 and 100
    3. Clarified tooltips
    4. More starting resources
  7. Demon Spawns
    1. Redid Demon spawns to closer match Scouting screen
    2. lvl 1 includes all 4 types.
    3. lvl 2 down to 3
    4. lvl 3 down to 2
    5. lvl 4+ down to 1.  Thus enemy knight known.
  8. End Phase button hides for Action phase.


DefendersOfTheInnocent.zip 11 MB
Mar 06, 2021

Get Defenders of the Innocent - A Tower Defense Parable

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