Weekly Update 2021 08 14

  1. Pause redone.
    1. space bar to toggle pause
    2. pause, play, fast, and faster
    3. pause while selecting
    4. options selectioned instead of cycled through
  2. Restart added as option
  3. Menu added
    1. new icons for menu
    2. book for menu
    3. arrows in circle for restart
    4. cog for settings (not yet implemented)
    5. X for exit.
  4. Redone icons
    1. CheckMark
    2. Hourglass
    3. X for Cancel/Exit


DefendersOfTheInnocent.zip 11 MB
Aug 15, 2021
DefendersOfTheInnocent_HTML5.zip Play in browser
Aug 15, 2021

Get Defenders of the Innocent - A Tower Defense Parable

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