This is in development.  Testers welcome.  Expect bugs.

Turn based tower defense.

Overview (TLDR)

  1. Towers
    1. Place these units to defend your Peasants.
  2. Peasants
    1. Peasants are your score.
    2. Towers must be placed adjacent to Peasants.
    3. Peasant may move over ruins to salvage them.
  3. Defender
    1. This unit is free and strong.
    2. Losing this unit is defeat.
  4. Enemy Knight
    1. Spawns lvl 7 turn 1.
    2. Defeating this knight is the win condition.
    3. Your Defender must be adjacent to the enemy knight to do damage.
  5. Game Saved at end of Planning phase, before Actions start.
    1. Game loaded automatically on game start instead of new game.

Directions (Verbose)

  1. First read the scouting report to see which types of enemys you will be facing this run.
    1. Demons spawn by type.
    2. Scouting report shows spawn tier and which types based on Demon Knight.
    3. Each type of demons recieve the bonuses of their Demon Knight.
  2. Start by Selecting Defender, Blocker, and Shooter.
  3. Whole map always visable.
    1. Shadows now hide later levels.
  4. Phases and Initiatives.
    1. Active towers shows flavor text or "Active"
    2. Phases
      1. Place towers
      2. Plan actions - Player and Demons take turns selecting actions.
      3. Game Saves.
      4. Actions - All units take action automatically.
    3. Initiative
      1. Lowest initiatives must plan actions first.
      2. Highest initiatives take actions first.
  5. Tower selection and placement available during Placement phase.
    1. Clicking on open hexs (non-water) places a Tower. 
    2. Towers must be placed adjacent to a Peasant.
    3. Towers cannot be placed on top of other destroyed Towers.
  6. Click on map to select hex.
    1. Selection indicator working.  Clicking off map clears selection.
    2. Selection of player unit and selection to view targets separate.
    3. Selecting unit that has planned actions, shows those actions.
  7. LastDefender (knight).
    1. Virtue determines buffs specific to each defender.
    2. Losing Defender is the Defeat condition.
  8. Left side hold buttons.
    1. click to minimize
  9. Right side shows object selected and stats.
    1. click to minimize
  10. Level, Turn, Phase displayed, with popup to show turn change.
  11. Resources displayed large, and broken out to show income.
    1. Resources = Savings + Interest + Income - Taxes (1 per blocker, 2 per shooter)
  12. Movement limited to actions and moves per turn.
    1. Movement available displayed.
    2. Planning Moves onto hexs containting units is permited.
    3. Attack range displayed.
    4. Planning Attacks onto hexs containing friendlys is permitted.
  13. Demons take their turn, moving toward and attacking closest target.
  14. End Action and Phase Buttons.
    1. End Action to end a unit's action early.
    2. End Phase to end all unit's on this initiative action early, or end placeing towers.
  15. Demon Knight (End Boss).  
    1. Boss only takes damage if LastDefender is adjacent.
    2. Spawns Level 7 Turn 1.
    3. Defeating boss is the Win Condition.


  1. X button - exit does not work in HTML5 version.


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Install instructions

Download zip.  Extract all.  Run exe.

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