Weekly Update 2020 11 14

2 Month update, sort of major.  Ripping out immediate actions, added planning phase.

  1. Phases
    1. Planning Phase added.
    2. Phases
      1. Demons spawn 1st
      2. Tower Placement
      3. Planning
        1. Units select actions, appends 1 to long array of actions.
        2. New node in Globals to Track array of actions.
      4. Actions
        1. New ControlActions node to play through all actions for all units.
        2. All actions targets relative to current hex.  Allowing failure, friendly fire, etc.
        3. Many cases of action turning into nothing.
  2. Move Indicator.
    1. mid planning Boot used to show temp position.
  3. Phase Bar split.
    1. Phase separate from Initiatives.
    2. Phase shows; Tower, ?, and ?
  4. Action Buttons
    1. Move = Boot
    2. Attack = Swords
  5. Movement now Tweens.
  6. BaseUnit planning information tracked.
  7. TileMap
    1. removed immediate actions.
    2. removed contextual clicks -  hex clicked does not decide if it is a move vs attack vs selection.
  8. ControlDemon removed immediate actions.


DefendersOfTheInnocent.zip 11 MB
Nov 15, 2020

Get Defenders of the Innocent - A Tower Defense Parable

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