Weekly Update 2020 05 09

  1. Phase Indicator UI
    1. Tower for phase 7
    2. Sun rising / setting for rest of phases.
    3. Tooltip to elaborate.
    4. Active phase normal.  Inactive phases grayscale and 50% alpha.
  2. Attacking, Moving, and Targeting action indicators for demons.
  3. Added Aseprite logo to start screen
  4. Created 'dirty' Shield animation for Resist Health damage.
    1. only if damage not done.  Damage animation has priority.
    2. Demons and Towers.
  5. Created basic Stars swirling animation for Stagger damage.
    1. only if DamageResist not done.  DamageResist has priority.
    2. Demons and Towers.


DefendersOfTheInnocent.zip 11 MB
May 10, 2020

Get Defenders of the Innocent - A Tower Defense Parable

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