Weekly Update 2020 01 25

  1. ControlDemon
    1. Demons now take actions.
    2. attack target.
    3. move toward target.
    4. find closest target.  Huts, Peasants, and Knights.
  2. Added Phases and Initiative.
    1. Initiative is when each unit can take actions.
    2. Phases are when each Initiative's turn is.
  3. ManageLevelTurn
    1. Changes phase, turn, level as needed.
    2. Switches actions between player and demon as applicable.
  4. Separate indication and tracking of Demon vs Player vs Selection.
    1. Demon unit is marked red.
    2. Player unit is marked green.
    3. Selected unit is marked yellow.
      1. So the player can review other unit's stats while mid action with a player unit.


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Jan 26, 2020

Get Defenders of the Innocent - A Tower Defense Parable

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